The school recommends certain private transportation companies who have a safe and responsible track record as Merryland International School does not provide its own transportation facility.
The contact details of these companies can be provided to parents who ask help in arranging the transportation.
All arrangements have to be made directly with the providers.
Ziena School Buses Transportation
Office: 02 445 4811
Transport Co-ordinator: Mr. Paul (055 814 0850)
All payments are to be made directly to the transport service provider.
Transport arrangements such as pick-up and drop off time and location, the charges, payments and receipts, and all such related communication will be between parent and the transport service provider.
Once the deal is concreted between the parent and the transport company, such agreement should be communicated in writing to the teacher, mentioning the name of the child, location of residence, the transportation company’s name, the contact person, the drivers and the conductors name etc.
Such details if and when modified should immediately be update in the teachers’ record. Any change in the above details such as the transport company, the driver name or mobile, the location etc should be immediately notified to the teacher.
Though Merryland International and the transportation company take all possible safety measures in their own capacities in order to assure that each student is transported safely, it is incumbent on all parents to take the necessary time to explain clearly all safety rules regarding transportation. This is particularly important when dealing with kindergarten students. All students should become familiar with the rules of security while getting on or off the bus. In addition, each student should exercise caution when crossing a public thoroughfare. All students must cross in front of the bus, be well in view of the bus driver and await the drivers signal before crossing. Even though the flashing lights are operational, they must make sure that oncoming traffic has come to a complete stop in both directions before crossing.
- The students must be punctual and arrive at their designated bus stops at least five (5) minutes before the bus arrives.
- The students must not run to their bus stop.
- The students must stay on the soft shoulder or the sidewalk until the bus comes to a full stop.
- When boarding, if they must cross the street, the students must wait for the driver’s signal before crossing.
- The students must board and alight the bus calmly.
- The students must walk directly to their seats and remain seated until they reach their destination.
- The students must abide by the transportation rules.
- Yelling, whistling and shouting are forbidden on the bus.
- Unless absolutely necessary, the students must refrain from talking to, disturbing or distracting the bus driver.
- The student must keep their hands and heads inside the bus when it is moving.
- The students must not throw any object inside or outside the bus.
- When alighting the students must walk three (3) steps away from the bus and ten (10) steps in front of the bus passed the bumper extension arm and wait for the driver’s signal before crossing.
- The students who must cross the street must always go in front of the bus and watch for traffic.
- The students are not permitted to eat on the school bus.
- Parents must instruct their children on their behaviour while waiting for and riding the buses.
- Should a problem with the student’s safety arise the parents must so inform the School or the Transportation Company by giving the school bus number, the date, the time, the place and the problem encountered.
- Parents must ensure that the students are visibly identified with their transportation address and telephone number.
- Parents must remind their children that according to the law all vehicles must stop when school flashers are on. Because careless drivers sometimes fail to stop, students must wait for the bus driver’s signal before they cross the road.
- Parents are responsible for their children’s behaviour from the time they leave home until they board their bus.
- Parents must ensure that their children arrive at the bus stop on time.
- It is mandatory for parents of students to make sure that a responsible person takes their children to their bus stop and waits for them on their return home.
- No medications which induce drowsiness or sleep should be administered before the child boards the bus.
- If a child has a serious medical problem that warrants medication, the matter should be notified to the bus driver, conductor and the school authorities.