Dear parents and students,
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Merryland International School.
Our staff have been working passionately to prepare for the coming school year by updating curriculum, technology and our facilities. We look forward to welcoming our students back into the halls of Merryland, breathing life into our school once again. We are also excited to announce the results of last year’s IGCSE, AS and A level exams with a very high percentage of A*-C grades. For more detailed information about our exam results go here or contact the school. We are proud of our students’ achievements and celebrate with them as they move on to the next stage of their education.
MIS takes pride in our academically focused curriculum. For 20 years, our approach has resulted in excellent, world-topping results, prepared students and success story after success story. MIS staff members put their heart into providing careful instruction and boundless support for each individual student. We attempt to engage each parent in the educational journey of their child and through this engagement we attempt to draw out the dreams and desires of the child and plot a course for success.
Molding highly educated, well rounded, socially and morally responsible young adults requires careful exposure to the world and the many cultures within it. Touring private corporations and government agencies provides and tremendous opportunity for our pupils to learn about important components of local and world markets. By highlighting these essential components and identifying how language, math, science and technology are used is key to peaking our pupils’ interests and sparking creative thought. Additionally, while highlighting specific causes we explore age appropriate social issues with the children and structure critical thinking projects related to helping or solving some of our world’s most troubling dilemmas. Some ideas are passed on to organizations doing critical work to improve situations in impoverished or devastated communities along with donations from the Merryland Care and Share Foundation. Our pupils are then able to hear follow-up stories of how their ideas have made an impact on those that are suffering; giving them hope for the future and a desire to positively “change lives nations wide.”
We sincerely look forward to personally welcoming you back into the halls of Merryland International School and we hope you are as eager as we are about what the coming year has in store.
Aaron Grandon,
Chairman & Chief Operations Officer.