An Eagle
A victor of the sky, an eagle spreads the vastness of its wings to conquer any raging storm.
A solitary flyer, an eagle soars high to secure an aerial vision to attack a prey trodding on the earth.
A renewer of life, an eagle descends on rugged mountains to break off its old beak and pluck down fading feathers hanging heavily on its chest.
As a hermit, an eagle tarries for 150 days to renew life for an added thirty years.
An eagle is undoubtedly the king of the birds.
Along the journey, there are times when life narrows us to face a storm or twists us to a deserted space where none can be found to console.
Challenges, isolations, shedding and repairing are unquestionable hues of life to strengthen, equip and renew us for a better future.
Like eagles we too shall soar, aim and wait to conquer, achieve and renew life.